Ghost Rider (2007)

Ghost rider is an American supernatural film directed by Mark Steven Johnson released in the year 2007. This story is about a contract or vow made by Johnny who was the motorcyclist with Mephistopheles, a terrifying demon, to grant his father Barton Blaze to regain his strength and recover from the terminal cancer by giving his soul to the devil.

Terrific Ghost Rider (2007) Movie

                     Terrifying Devil

The devil deceives him and Barton dies in a motor cycle accident during an exhibition. Four years later, Johnny becomes the famous motorcyclist and meets his girlfriend Roxanne who is now a T.V reporter. Mephistopheles proposes Johnny to free him from the contract if he agrees to become the ghost rider and defeat the evil son Blackheart who wants to possess one thousand evil souls and transform hell on earth.

Johnny takes up the challenge and it is all about whether Johnny could beat the Blackheart and join with Roxanne, love of his life. The transformation of Johnny into ghost rider is a must watch scene in this movie.