Ghostbusters (1984)

Ghostbusters is an American supernatural comedy film directed by Ivan Reitman and written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis. This story is three odd-ball scientists who were kicked out from a university in New York where they studied the occult. They become the Ghostbusters trapping pesky ghosts and haunted spirits who become a threat to the society.

Ghostbusters (1984) Comedy Film

                  Ghost Capturing Team

Their first customer was an orchestra cello player named Dana Barrett who was informed about some abnormal paranormal activities by her neighbor named Louis Tully on the twenty-second floor of a high rise apartment building on Central Park West. So the ghost capturing team visited the place with their proton guns and Winston Zeddmore who was looking for high paid job also joined their team. Walter peck was the overzealous environmental protection agent at that time and he arrested the Ghostbusters team, thinking they are frauds and cheating the society. Later on, when Gozer the destructor started attacking the cities, the mayor had no choice but to let the Ghostbusters out of jail to defeat Gozer. Some scenes are very thrilling and scary and frightens the viewers so much and it is a must watch movie for sure.